this radii chart are based on sawing relatively thin stock. Use a narrower
blade than recommended when sawing stock more than one inch thick.
(3) Contour Sawing. Contour sawing is the process of cutting shapes in
which the direction of the cut must be changed at intervals. Holes larger
in diameter than the width of the saw blade must be drilled at each corner
where a change of direction of the bandsaw blade will occur.
After the
shape is cut either by sawing away from the hole or sawing toward the hole,
and the slug or waste material has been removed, the corners should be
finished by filing or notching.
The bandsaw blade should not be used for
these operations because the blade will bow and cut unevenly.
(a) Sawing Away From the Hole. To saw away from the hole on a line next
to the hole, the bandsaw blade must cut away from the center of the hole, or
the blade will bow and cause a belly in the cut. Two methods can be used to
accomplish this.
In the first method, to start the cut, a curve is cut
outward from the hole to meet the