Task 1. Describe the Safety Procedures for Using Handtools And Power ToolsGeneral - Od162180008Tool HabitsSafety Rules for Power ToolsSafety EquipmentSafety ShoesSeat Seats and Safety StrapsConclusion - Od162180014Practicasl Exercise 1.Lesson 1. Practical Exercise - Answers - Od162180016Lesson 2. Use and care Of HandtoolsHammers and MalletsMachinist's Peen HammersFigure 2. Mallets And Hammers - Od162180020Types of Mallets.Figure 3. Holding Hammer Correctly. Pulling NailsCare of Hammers and Mallets.Repair and Replacement of Handles.Figure 5. Hammer Handle WedgesRestoring Worn Faces.ScrewdriversFigure 8. Common Flat-tip Screwdriver.Figure 9. Special Tipped ScrewdriverJeweler's Screwdrivers.Figure 11. Jeweler's And Spark Plug Testing ScrewdriversUsing a Screwdriver. - Od162180033Removing Tight Screws.Care of Screwdrivers.WrenchesFigure 15. Opened - End Wrenches.Figure 16. Box And Combination WrenchesSpecial Socket Wrenches.Figure 17. Socket And Crowfoot WrenchesFigure 18. Socket Wrech Rachets, Handles And ExtensionsFigure 20. Setscrew, Plug and Flare Nut WrenchesFigure 21. Adjustable Wrenches.Pipe WrenchesSpanner Wrenches. - Od162180045Figure 23. Spanner WrenchFigure 25. Use Of Open - End WrenchSocket Wrenches.Auto and Monkey WrenchesPipe Wrenches. - Od162180050Torque Wrench.Safety Precautions. - Od162180052Figure 30. Using Adjustable Spanner WrenchMaintenance of Wrenches.Pliers and TongsFigure 33. Slip Joint Combionation PliersUse of Pliers and Tongs.Figure 35. Parallel Jaws , Flat, and Round Nose Pliers.Care of Pliers and Tongs.Sharpening Cutting Edges.Clamping DevicesTypes of Vises.Figure 41. Blacksmith's and Pipe Vises.Machine Table Vise.Types of Clamps.Figure 43. Types of ClampsFigure 44. Using Hand Screw Clamps - Jaws Parallel.Care Of Vises And Clamps.Safety Precautions. - Od162180069JacksUsing Jacks.Figure 48. Mechanical JacksBars and MattockFigure 50. Jack Pulling CombinationsFigure 52. Jack Spreading CombinationsTypes of Bars and Mattock.Use of Bars and Mattock.Figure 55. Using A CrowbarCare of Bars and Mattocks.Soldering Irons - Od162180080Use of Soldering Iron.Figure 57. Proper Tinning Of Soldering Iron Regulating Temperature of Electricity Sodering Iron Figure 59. Electrical Circuit to Prevent Overheating Iron.Using a Soldering IronFigure 60. Position of Iron To Pass Heat.Maintenance of Soldering Irons.Reconditioning Electric Soldering Iron.Types of Sharpening Stones and Oilstones.Figure 62. Grinders And GrindstoneUsing GrindersCare of Sharpening Stones and Oilstones.Storage.Benders and PullersFigure 66. Bearing, Bushing And Gear Pullers.Figure 67. Push And Pull Puller Set.Figure 68. Steering Wheel And Wheel Pullers Figure 69. Cylinder Sleeve Puller.Use of Pullers.Figure 71. Removing Bearing Cup.Pulling Camshaft Gear.Figure 74. Pulling Bevel Gear Pinion Shaft.Figure 75. Pulling Bearing.Figure 77. Interchanging Wheel Puller Jaws.Cylinder Sleeve PullerConclusion - Od162180106Task 2. Describe The Procedures for The Use And Care Of Edged Handtools.Types of Chisels.Figure 81. Machinist's And Blacksmith's Chisels.Blacksmith's Chisels.Basic Precautions When Using a Chisel.To Cut Horizontally With the GrainFigure 83. Chisel Horizontally.Figure 84. Chiseling Diagonally Across Grain.Figure 85. Chamfering With a ChiselFigure 86. Chiseling Corners And Curves.Machinist's Chisels. Cutting Wire or Round Stock.Cutting Sheet or Plate Metal.Maintenance and Repair of Chisels.Figure 88. Sharpening a Woodworker's Chisel.Grinding. - Od162180122Figure 89. Right and Wrong Chisel Bevels.Repairing Damaged Handle HeadsMachinist's and Blacksmith's Chisels.Figure 93. Grinding A cold Chisel.Hardening and TemperingPrecautions When Using Chisels.Figure 95. Types of Files.Figure 96. Parts of A File.File Shapes.Figure 97. File Teeth Characteristics cont.Figure 98. Swiss Pattern Files.Method of Filing.Draw Filing.Handling Precautions.Figure 102. Filing Precautions.Replacing Handles.KnivesUse and Care of Knives.Maintenance of Knives.Figure 105. Sharpening A Pocket Knife.Figure 106. Grinding Knives.ScrapersFigure 108. Types of ScrapersPunchesFigure 109. Solid Punches And Punching Machines.Types of Punches.Center PunchHollow PunchesCare of Punches.Cone Point Punches.Reshaping Mushroomed Head.ShearsCurved CutsCare of Shears.Grinding. - Od162180157Figure 117. Grinding Angles for Shears.Bolt, Cable, and Glass CuttersClipper Cut Cutters.Side Nut Splitter CutterUse of Bolt and Cable Cutters.Use of Glass Cutter and FileWindow or Single Light Glass.Cutting Glass Tubing and Rod.Pipe and Tube Cutters, and Flaring ToolsFigure 121. Pipe And Tube Cutters.Use of Pipe Cutters.Figure 123. Measuring Threaded Pipe.Figure 124. Cutting Pipe.Use of Tube Cutters.Figure 125. Double Flaring A Tube.Taps And DiesBottoming Hand Taps.Pipe Taps.Solid Dies.Figure 129. Types of Adjustable Dies.Two Piece Rectangular Pipe DiesFigure 131. Adjustable Die Guide And Ratchet Diestocks.Mechanics of Taps and Dies.Tap Design. Die Design.Selecting a Tap DrillFigure 136. British Thread Dimensions.Figure 137. Metric Standard Threads.Diameter and Pitch of Tapped HoleFigure 139. Basic Dimensions Of Taper Pipe Threads.Table 1. American Standard Screw Threads.Figure 140. Types of Drilled Holes.Figure 142. Checking Tap For Straightness.Figure 143. Using A Die And Diestock.Figure 144. Threading Pipe.Care of Taps and Dies.Table II. Pipe Threads Data for Standard Pipe.Figure 145. Thread ChasersScrew And Tap Extractors.Figure 148. Using Straight Fluted Tap And Screw Extractor.Precautions.Conclusion - Od162180199Practical Exercise 2 - Od162180200Practical Exercise2.cont.Lesson 2. Practical Exercise Answers - Od162180202Lesson 2. Practical Exercise - Answers cont. - Od162180203Lesson 3. Use and Care Of Measuring Tools Figure 150. Conversion Chart- Millimeters to Inches.Figure 151. Conversion Chart - Fractions of An Inch To Decimals Of An Inch, and Millimeters.Figure 152. Conversion Chart - Decimals Of An Inch to Millimeters Figure 153. Conversion Chart - Inches to Millimeters.Figure 154. Conversion Chart - Feet to Meters.Figure 155. Conversion Chart - Meters to feet.Standards of Wire and Sheet MetalSheet Metal Gaging SystemsFigure 157. American National Pipe Thread Dimensions And Tap Drill Sizes Wire Gaging Systems.Standards of WeightMetric Standards.Standards of Temperature.ScribersUsing the Scribers.Rules or ScalesFigure 163. Type of Steel Rules.Shrink Rule.Figure 165. Shrink Rules Compared to Standard Rule Folding RulesUsing the Rule.Figure 168. Determing Proper Graduated Rule Figure 169. Using a 6 Inch RuleFigure 170. Using Role on Surface Plate.Care of Rules.Calipers and DividersOutside Calipers.Inside Calipers.Hermaphrodite Calipers.Vernier Calipers. - Od162180234Slide CalipersUse of DividersFigure 179. Using Dividers.Figure 181. Swetting And Using Inside Caliper Hermaphrodite CalipersFigure 183. Using Transfer Caliper to Measure A Recessed Diameter Vernier Caliper.Figure 187. Using Trammel with Devider and Ball Points .Figure 188. Reading Vernier Scale.Applications.Slide Caliper.MicrometersFigure 190. Micrometer Caliper, Cutaway View.Inside MicrometersMechanics of Micrometers. - Od162180249Use of Micrometers. - Od162180250Figure 192: Reading Stamdard Micrometer Scale Adjusting Micrometer Caliper to Work. - Od162180252Figure 193. Using Outside Micrometer.Figure 194. Checking Diameter Of Pulley.Figure 195. Using Inside Micrometer with Extension Rod Care of Micrometers. - Od162180256Miscellaneous Measuring GagesThread Gages.Types of Thickness (Feeler) GageTypes of Wire and Drill Gages.Screw Pitch Gages.Types of Small Hole and Telescoping Gages.Types of Thread Cutting Tool Gages.Types of Fillet and Radius GagesFigure 203, Drilll Point GageFigure 205. Using Thickness (Feeler) Gages Screw Pitch Gages.Use of Small Hole and Telescoping Gages.Use of Thread Cutting Tool Gages.Use of Fillet and Radius Gages.Use of Drill Point Gage.Care of Gages.Conclusion - Od162180273Practical Exercise 3 - Od162180274Lesson 3. Practical Exercise - Answers - Od162180275References - Od162180276References - Od162180277Use And Care Of Handtools And Measuring Tools