Overview - OD17020005Part A- Introduction to the M992 Carrier, Ammunition , TrackedFigure 1. Exterior View of the M992 Carrier.Part B - Description and Functions of the Auxiliary Power Unit Systems and ComponentsFigure 4. APU Mounted in APU Compartment.Figure 5. APU Starter/Generatorand Hydrulic Pump.Figure 6. APU Control Box.Part C- Preliminary Steps Taken When APU Engine Cranks But Fails to Start Figure 7. APU AIr Cleaner ComponentsFigure 5. APU Starter/Generatorand Hydrulic Pump. - ContinuedFigure 8. APU Fuel Flow Part D- Troubleshooting the APU SystemFigure 10. APU Access Plate.Figure 11. APU Fuel Return Line Location And Components.Figure 12. APU Electrical Diagram.Figure 14. APU Wall Mount Main Harness Connector B.Figure 15. APU Control Box Harness - Terminal N.Figure 17. APU Harness Wall Connector - Terminal B. Figure 19. APU Air Ducts and Oil Level Indicator.Figure 20. APU Lead 493 Location.Troubleshooting the APU When Engine Starts But Fails to Keep Running Figure 22. APU Harness Plug, Terminal D, Lead 487.Figure 24. APU Control Box Continuity Test Chart.Figure 25. APU Terminal 65 and R Test PointTroubleshooting the APU Engine when Engine MisfiresTroubleshooting the APU Engine when Engine Lacks Power.Figure 26. Battery Voltage Test Procedure Figure 27. Battery Indicator Lead 40A.Figure 28. APU Generator Terminal B.Figure 30. APU Battery Plug Lead 62.Figure 32. APU Generator field Terminal A.Figure 34. APU Voltage Regulator Generator Harness Plug Terminal A.Figure 35. Apu Generator Terminal B.Figure 36: APU Electrical Harnesses .Figure 37. APU Wall -Mounted Receptacle ald Leads 49 and 66. Figure 38. APU Treminal N And P.Figure 41. APU Terminal D, Lead 487.Figure 42. APU Lead 487, Terminal A.Figure 43. Terminal C, Lead 65, APU Main Harness PlugFigure 44. APU Terminal B. Wire 65 at the Control Box Harness.Figure 46. APU Wiring Harness Lead 65 to Starter Relay.Figure 47. APU Lead 66, Wiring Harness 12329640.Figure 48. APU Generator Terminal B.Figure 50. APU Generator Terminal A.Practice Exercise - OD17020049Practice Exercise - Continued - OD17020051Answer Key and Feedback - OD17020052Answer Key and Feedback - ContinuedTroubleshooting the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) M992 carrier, Ammunition,
Tracked (CAT)