The above procedures, paragraphs 2a(1) through 2d(2)(e), present
a general view of the AN/USM 281C oscilloscope, it's controls
and indicators, and the basic operating procedures. For more
detailed information, refer to TM 116625265814.
3. Conclusion
In the three tasks which form this lesson, information
concerning electronic principals was discussed. Task one dealt
with magnet ism, analysis of inductive and capacitive circuits,
the basic fundamentals of semiconductors, including PNP and NPN
transistors. In the third task, the AN/USM281C oscilloscope,
including its setup, operation, and use was presented.
On the following page is a practical exercise designed to test
your retention of the information presented in this subcourse.
When you feel you have a firm understanding of the information
presented, turn the page and answer the questions.